Défragmenter un système de fichier vxfs
vendredi 17 avril 2009
popularité : 3%
popularité : 3%
Défragmenter un système de fichier vxfs.
La commande pour défragmenter un système de fichier VxFS est "fsadm -F vxfs -e -d /point-de-montage"
Un système de fichier est problème de fragmentation si :
A > 50%
B > 5%
C < 5%
Visualiser l´état d´un système de fichier : fsadm -F vxfs -DE /opt
Directory Fragmentation Report Dirs Total Immed Immeds Dirs to Blocks to Searched Blocks Dirs to Add Reduce Reduce total 3691 1388 2324 377 377 378 Extent Fragmentation Report Total Average Average Total Files File Blks # Extents Free Blks 25417 7 1 249144 blocks used for indirects: 1 % Free blocks in extents smaller than 64 blks: 1.64 <== A % Free blocks in extents smaller than 8 blks: 0.01 <== B % blks allocated to extents 64 blks or larger: 79.15 <== C Free Extents By Size 1: 0 2: 0 4: 4 8: 41 16: 94 32: 70 64: 47 128: 19 256: 4 512: 2 1024: 8 2048: 0 4096: 2 8192: 1 16384: 3 32768: 3 65536: 1 131072: 0 262144: 0 524288: 0 1048576: 0 2097152: 0 4194304: 0 8388608: 0 16777216: 0 33554432: 0 67108864: 0 134217728: 0 268435456: 0 536870912: 0 1073741824: 0 2147483648: 0
Défragmenter un système de fichier et visualiser l’état du système après la défragmentation : fsadm -F vxfs -DEed /opt
Directory Fragmentation Report Dirs Total Immed Immeds Dirs to Blocks to Searched Blocks Dirs to Add Reduce Reduce total 3691 1388 2324 377 377 378 Directory Fragmentation Report Dirs Total Immed Immeds Dirs to Blocks to Searched Blocks Dirs to Add Reduce Reduce total 3691 1010 2701 0 0 0 Extent Fragmentation Report Total Average Average Total Files File Blks # Extents Free Blks 25040 7 1 249522 blocks used for indirects: 1 % Free blocks in extents smaller than 64 blks: 1.79 % Free blocks in extents smaller than 8 blks: 0.16 % blks allocated to extents 64 blks or larger: 79.30 Free Extents By Size 1: 376 2: 1 4: 4 8: 41 16: 94 32: 70 64: 47 128: 19 256: 4 512: 2 1024: 8 2048: 0 4096: 2 8192: 1 16384: 3 32768: 3 65536: 1 131072: 0 262144: 0 524288: 0 1048576: 0 2097152: 0 4194304: 0 8388608: 0 16777216: 0 33554432: 0 67108864: 0 134217728: 0 268435456: 0 536870912: 0 1073741824: 0 2147483648: 0 Extent Fragmentation Report Total Average Average Total Files File Blks # Extents Free Blks 25040 7 1 249523 blocks used for indirects: 0 % Free blocks in extents smaller than 64 blks: 3.41 <== A % Free blocks in extents smaller than 8 blks: 0.11 <== B % blks allocated to extents 64 blks or larger: 79.46 <== C Free Extents By Size 1: 61 2: 25 4: 41 8: 124 16: 170 32: 141 64: 106 128: 54 256: 24 512: 2 1024: 7 2048: 0 4096: 2 8192: 1 16384: 2 32768: 3 65536: 1 131072: 0 262144: 0 524288: 0 1048576: 0 2097152: 0 4194304: 0 8388608: 0 16777216: 0 33554432: 0 67108864: 0 134217728: 0 268435456: 0 536870912: 0 1073741824: 0 2147483648: 0