List options : os::linux::local::plugin

jeudi 8 mars 2018
par  Jerome ROBERT
popularité : 4%




Plugin Description :
 Check Linux through local commands (the plugin can use SSH).

Output Options :
 Display long output.

 â€”debug Display also debug messages.

 Filter perfdata that match the regexp.

 Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
 values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)

 Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :

 Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
 to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.

 Filter UOM that match the regexp.

 Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).

 Display output in XML Format.

 Display output in JSON Format.

 Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)

 Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).

 Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).

Mode :
 Check command returns.

 Set action according command exit code. Example : 0,OK,File xxx
 exist#1,CRITICAL,File xxx not exist#,UNKNOWN,Command problem

 Execute command remotely in ’ssh’.

 Hostname to query (need —remote).

 Specify multiple options like the user (example :
 â€”ssh-option=’-l=centreon-engine’ —ssh-option=’-p=52’).

 Specify ssh command path (default : none)

 Specify ssh command (default : ’ssh’). Useful to use ’plink’.

 Timeout in seconds for the command (Default : 30).

 â€”sudo Use ’sudo’ to execute the command.

 Command to test (Default : none). You can use ’sh’ to use ’&&’ or

 Command path (Default : none).

 Command options (Default : none).


Plugin Description :
 Check Linux through local commands (the plugin can use SSH).

Output Options :
 Display long output.

 â€”debug Display also debug messages.

 Filter perfdata that match the regexp.

 Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
 values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)

 Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :

 Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
 to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.

 Filter UOM that match the regexp.

 Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).

 Display output in XML Format.

 Display output in JSON Format.

 Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)

 Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).

 Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).

Mode :
 Check tcp/udp connections (udp connections are not in total. Use option
 â€™â€”service’ to check it). ’ipx’, ’x25’ connections are not checked (need
 output to do it. If you have, you can post it in forge :)

 Threshold warning for total connections.

 Threshold critical for total connections.

 Check tcp connections following rules :

 Example to test SSH connections on the server :

 <tag> Name to identify service (must be unique and
 couldn’t be ’total’).

 <type> regexp - can use ’ipv4’, ’ipv6’, ’udp’, ’udp6’.
 Empty means all.

 <state> regexp - can use ’finWait1’, ’established’,...
 Empty means all (minus listen). For udp
 connections, there are ’established’ and

 <filter-ip-*> regexp - can use to exclude or include some IPs.

 <threshold-*> nagios-perfdata - number of connections.

 Check tcp connections of mutiple services :

 Example : —application="web,http|https,100,200"

 <tag> Name to identify application (must be unique).

 <services> List of services (used the tag name. Separated
 by ’|’).

 <threshold-*> nagios-perfdata - number of connections.

 Execute command remotely in ’ssh’.

 Hostname to query (need —remote).

 Specify multiple options like the user (example :
 â€”ssh-option=’-l=centreon-engine’ —ssh-option=’-p=52’).

 Specify ssh command path (default : none)

 Specify ssh command (default : ’ssh’). Useful to use ’plink’.

 Timeout in seconds for the command (Default : 30).

 â€”sudo Use ’sudo’ to execute the command.

 Command to get information (Default : ’netstat’). Can be changed
 if you have output in a file. If —con-mode=’ss’, command ’ss’
 will be used.

 Command path (Default : none).

 Command options (Default : ’-antu 2>&1’). If —con-mode=’ss’,
 argument default will ’-a -A tcp,udp -n’.

 Default mode for parsing and command (Default : ’netstat’).


Plugin Description :
 Check Linux through local commands (the plugin can use SSH).

Output Options :
 Display long output.

 â€”debug Display also debug messages.

 Filter perfdata that match the regexp.

 Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
 values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)

 Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :

 Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
 to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.

 Filter UOM that match the regexp.

 Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).

 Display output in XML Format.

 Display output in JSON Format.

 Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)

 Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).

 Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).

Retention Options :
 Memcached server to use (only one server).

 Redis server to use (only one server).

 Set Redis Options (—redis-attribute="cnx_timeout=5").

 Time to keep data in seconds (Default : 86400).

 Directory for statefile (Default :

 Add a suffix for the statefile name (Default : ’’).

 Concat current working directory with option ’—statefile-dir’.
 Useful on Windows when plugin is compiled.

 Use Perl Module ’Storable’ (instead Data::Dumper) to store

Mode :
 Check system CPUs (need ’/proc/stat’ file).

 Threshold warning in percent.

 Threshold critical in percent.

 Execute command remotely in ’ssh’.

 Hostname to query (need —remote).

 Specify multiple options like the user (example :
 â€”ssh-option=’-l=centreon-engine’ —ssh-option=’-p=52’).

 Specify ssh command path (default : none)

 Specify ssh command (default : ’ssh’). Useful to use ’plink’.

 Timeout in seconds for the command (Default : 30).

 â€”sudo Use ’sudo’ to execute the command.

 Command to get information (Default : ’cat’). Can be changed if
 you have output in a file.

 Command path (Default : none).

 Command options (Default : ’/proc/stat 2>&1’).


Plugin Description :
 Check Linux through local commands (the plugin can use SSH).

Output Options :
 Display long output.

 â€”debug Display also debug messages.

 Filter perfdata that match the regexp.

 Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
 values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)

 Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :

 Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
 to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.

 Filter UOM that match the regexp.

 Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).

 Display output in XML Format.

 Display output in JSON Format.

 Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)

 Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).

 Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).

Retention Options :
 Memcached server to use (only one server).

 Redis server to use (only one server).

 Set Redis Options (—redis-attribute="cnx_timeout=5").

 Time to keep data in seconds (Default : 86400).

 Directory for statefile (Default :

 Add a suffix for the statefile name (Default : ’’).

 Concat current working directory with option ’—statefile-dir’.
 Useful on Windows when plugin is compiled.

 Use Perl Module ’Storable’ (instead Data::Dumper) to store

Mode :
 Check average usage for each CPUs (need ’/proc/stat’ file) (User, Nice,
 System, Idle, Wait, Interrupt, SoftIRQ, Steal, Guest, GuestNice)

 Threshold warning in percent. Can be : ’user’, ’nice’, ’system’,
 â€™idle’, ’wait’, ’interrupt’, ’softirq’, ’steal’, ’guest’,

 Threshold critical in percent. Can be : ’user’, ’nice’, ’system’,
 â€™idle’, ’wait’, ’interrupt’, ’softirq’, ’steal’, ’guest’,

 Execute command remotely in ’ssh’.

 Hostname to query (need —remote).

 Specify multiple options like the user (example :
 â€”ssh-option=’-l=centreon-engine’ —ssh-option=’-p=52’).

 Specify ssh command path (default : none)

 Specify ssh command (default : ’ssh’). Useful to use ’plink’.

 Timeout in seconds for the command (Default : 30).

 â€”sudo Use ’sudo’ to execute the command.

 Command to get information (Default : ’cat’). Can be changed if
 you have output in a file.

 Command path (Default : none).

 Command options (Default : ’/proc/stat 2>&1’).


Plugin Description :
 Check Linux through local commands (the plugin can use SSH).

Output Options :
 Display long output.

 â€”debug Display also debug messages.

 Filter perfdata that match the regexp.

 Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
 values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)

 Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :

 Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
 to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.

 Filter UOM that match the regexp.

 Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).

 Display output in XML Format.

 Display output in JSON Format.

 Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)

 Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).

 Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).

Mode :
 Check directl lvm usage.

 Execute command remotely in ’ssh’.

 Hostname to query (need —remote).

 Specify multiple options like the user (example :
 â€”ssh-option=’-l=centreon-engine’ —ssh-option=’-p=52’).

 Specify ssh command path (default : none)

 Specify ssh command (default : ’ssh’). Useful to use ’plink’.

 Timeout in seconds for the command (Default : 30).

 â€”sudo Use ’sudo’ to execute the command.

 Command to get information (Default : ’lvs’). Can be changed if
 you have output in a file.

 Command path (Default : none).

 Command options (Default : ’—separator="," 2>&1’).

 Threshold warning. Can be : ’data-usage’ (%), ’meta-usage’ (%).

 Threshold critical. Can be : ’data-usage’ (%), ’meta-usage’ (%).

 Filter virtual group (regexp can be used).

 Filter logical volume (regexp can be used).


Plugin Description :
 Check Linux through local commands (the plugin can use SSH).

Output Options :
 Display long output.

 â€”debug Display also debug messages.

 Filter perfdata that match the regexp.

 Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
 values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)

 Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :

 Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
 to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.

 Filter UOM that match the regexp.

 Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).

 Display output in XML Format.

 Display output in JSON Format.

 Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)

 Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).

 Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).

Retention Options :
 Memcached server to use (only one server).

 Redis server to use (only one server).

 Set Redis Options (—redis-attribute="cnx_timeout=5").

 Time to keep data in seconds (Default : 86400).

 Directory for statefile (Default :

 Add a suffix for the statefile name (Default : ’’).

 Concat current working directory with option ’—statefile-dir’.
 Useful on Windows when plugin is compiled.

 Use Perl Module ’Storable’ (instead Data::Dumper) to store

Mode :
 Check some disk io counters : read and writes bytes per seconds,
 milliseconds time spent reading and writing, %util (like iostat)

 Execute command remotely in ’ssh’.

 Hostname to query (need —remote).

 Specify multiple options like the user (example :
 â€”ssh-option=’-l=centreon-engine’ —ssh-option=’-p=52’).

 Specify ssh command path (default : none)

 Specify ssh command (default : ’ssh’). Useful to use ’plink’.

 Timeout in seconds for the command (Default : 30).

 â€”sudo Use ’sudo’ to execute the command.

 Command to get information (Default : ’tail’). Can be changed if
 you have output in a file.

 Command path (Default : none).

 Command options (Default : ’-n +1 /proc/stat /proc/diskstats

 Threshold warning in bytes per seconds read.

 Threshold critical in bytes per seconds read.

 Threshold warning in bytes per seconds write.

 Threshold critical in bytes per seconds write.

 Threshold warning in %utils.

 Threshold critical in %utils.

 â€”name Set the partition name (empty means ’check all partitions’)

 Allows to use regexp to filter partition name (with option

 Allows to use regexp non case-sensitive (with —regexp).

 Bytes per sector (Default : 512)

 Linux Kernel Timer Interrupt Frequency (Default : 1000)

 â€”skip Skip partitions with 0 sectors read/write.


Plugin Description :
 Check Linux through local commands (the plugin can use SSH).

Output Options :
 Display long output.

 â€”debug Display also debug messages.

 Filter perfdata that match the regexp.

 Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
 values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)

 Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :

 Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
 to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.

 Filter UOM that match the regexp.

 Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).

 Display output in XML Format.

 Display output in JSON Format.

 Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)

 Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).

 Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).

Mode :
 Check time (modified, creation,...) of files/directories.

 â€”files Files/Directories to check. (Shell expansion is ok)

 Threshold warning in seconds for each files/directories (diff

 Threshold critical in seconds for each files/directories (diff

 Do not include size of subdirectories.

 Don’t check fewer levels. (can be use —separate-dirs)

 â€”time Check another time than modified time.

 Exclude files/directories with ’du’ command. Values from exclude
 files/directories are not counted in parent directories. Shell
 pattern can be used.

 Filter files/directories in the plugin. Values from exclude
 files/directories are counted in parent directories !!! Perl
 Regexp can be used.

 Execute command remotely in ’ssh’.

 Hostname to query (need —remote).

 Specify multiple options like the user (example :
 â€”ssh-option=’-l=centreon-engine’ —ssh-option=’-p=52’).

 Specify ssh command path (default : none)

 Specify ssh command (default : ’ssh’). Useful to use ’plink’.

 Timeout in seconds for the command (Default : 30).

 â€”sudo Use ’sudo’ to execute the command.

 Command path (Default : none).


Plugin Description :
 Check Linux through local commands (the plugin can use SSH).

Output Options :
 Display long output.

 â€”debug Display also debug messages.

 Filter perfdata that match the regexp.

 Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
 values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)

 Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :

 Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
 to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.

 Filter UOM that match the regexp.

 Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).

 Display output in XML Format.

 Display output in JSON Format.

 Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)

 Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).

 Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).

Mode :
 Check size of files/directories.

 â€”files Files/Directories to check. (Shell expansion is ok)

 Threshold warning in bytes for each files/directories.

 Threshold critical in bytes for each files/directories.

 Threshold warning in bytes for all files/directories.

 Threshold critical in bytes for all files/directories.

 Do not include size of subdirectories.

 Don’t check fewer levels. (can be use —separate-dirs)

 Add files when you check directories.

 Exclude files/directories with ’du’ command. Values from exclude
 files/directories are not counted in parent directories. Shell
 pattern can be used.

 Filter files/directories in the plugin. Values from exclude
 files/directories are counted in parent directories !!! Perl
 Regexp can be used.

 Execute command remotely in ’ssh’.

 Hostname to query (need —remote).

 Specify multiple options like the user (example :
 â€”ssh-option=’-l=centreon-engine’ —ssh-option=’-p=52’).

 Specify ssh command path (default : none)

 Specify ssh command (default : ’ssh’). Useful to use ’plink’.

 Timeout in seconds for the command (Default : 30).

 â€”sudo Use ’sudo’ to execute the command.

 Command path (Default : none).


Plugin Description :
 Check Linux through local commands (the plugin can use SSH).

Output Options :
 Display long output.

 â€”debug Display also debug messages.

 Filter perfdata that match the regexp.

 Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
 values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)

 Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :

 Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
 to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.

 Filter UOM that match the regexp.

 Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).

 Display output in XML Format.

 Display output in JSON Format.

 Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)

 Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).

 Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).

Mode :
 Check Inodes space usage on partitions.

 Execute command remotely in ’ssh’.

 Hostname to query (need —remote).

 Specify multiple options like the user (example :
 â€”ssh-option=’-l=centreon-engine’ —ssh-option=’-p=52’).

 Specify ssh command path (default : none)

 Specify ssh command (default : ’ssh’). Useful to use ’plink’.

 Timeout in seconds for the command (Default : 30).

 â€”sudo Use ’sudo’ to execute the command.

 Command to get information (Default : ’df’). Can be changed if
 you have output in a file.

 Command path (Default : none).

 Command options (Default : ’-P -i -T 2>&1’).

 Threshold warning in percent.

 Threshold critical in percent.

 â€”name Set the storage mount point (empty means ’check all storages’)

 Allows to use regexp to filter storage mount point (with option

 Allows to use regexp non case-sensitive (with —regexp).

 Filter filesystem type (regexp can be used).

 Filter filesystem (regexp can be used).


Plugin Description :
 Check Linux through local commands (the plugin can use SSH).

Output Options :
 Display long output.

 â€”debug Display also debug messages.

 Filter perfdata that match the regexp.

 Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
 values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)

 Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :

 Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
 to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.

 Filter UOM that match the regexp.

 Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).

 Display output in XML Format.

 Display output in JSON Format.

 Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)

 Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).

 Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).

Mode :
 List storages.

 Execute command remotely in ’ssh’.

 Hostname to query (need —remote).

 Specify multiple options like the user (example :
 â€”ssh-option=’-l=centreon-engine’ —ssh-option=’-p=52’).

 Specify ssh command path (default : none)

 Specify ssh command (default : ’ssh’). Useful to use ’plink’.

 Timeout in seconds for the command (Default : 30).

 â€”sudo Use ’sudo’ to execute the command.

 Command to get information (Default : ’ifconfig’). Can be changed
 if you have output in a file.

 Command path (Default : ’/sbin’).

 Command options (Default : ’-a 2>&1’).

 Filter interface name (regexp can be used).

 Filter state (regexp can be used). Can be : ’R’ (running), ’U’

 Don’t display loopback interfaces.

 Filter interface without in/out byte values.


Plugin Description :
 Check Linux through local commands (the plugin can use SSH).

Output Options :
 Display long output.

 â€”debug Display also debug messages.

 Filter perfdata that match the regexp.

 Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
 values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)

 Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :

 Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
 to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.

 Filter UOM that match the regexp.

 Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).

 Display output in XML Format.

 Display output in JSON Format.

 Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)

 Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).

 Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).

Mode :
 List partitions.

 Execute command remotely in ’ssh’.

 Hostname to query (need —remote).

 Specify multiple options like the user (example :
 â€”ssh-option=’-l=centreon-engine’ —ssh-option=’-p=52’).

 Specify ssh command path (default : none)

 Specify ssh command (default : ’ssh’). Useful to use ’plink’.

 Timeout in seconds for the command (Default : 30).

 â€”sudo Use ’sudo’ to execute the command.

 Command to get information (Default : ’cat’). Can be changed if
 you have output in a file.

 Command path (Default : none).

 Command options (Default : ’/proc/partitions 2>&1’).

 Filter partition name (regexp can be used).


Plugin Description :
 Check Linux through local commands (the plugin can use SSH).

Output Options :
 Display long output.

 â€”debug Display also debug messages.

 Filter perfdata that match the regexp.

 Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
 values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)

 Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :

 Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
 to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.

 Filter UOM that match the regexp.

 Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).

 Display output in XML Format.

 Display output in JSON Format.

 Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)

 Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).

 Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).

Mode :
 List storages.

 Execute command remotely in ’ssh’.

 Hostname to query (need —remote).

 Specify multiple options like the user (example :
 â€”ssh-option=’-l=centreon-engine’ —ssh-option=’-p=52’).

 Specify ssh command path (default : none)

 Specify ssh command (default : ’ssh’). Useful to use ’plink’.

 Timeout in seconds for the command (Default : 30).

 â€”sudo Use ’sudo’ to execute the command.

 Command to get information (Default : ’df’). Can be changed if
 you have output in a file.

 Command path (Default : none).

 Command options (Default : ’-P -k -T 2>&1’).

 Filter filesystem type (regexp can be used).

 Filter filesystem (regexp can be used).

 Filter mount point (regexp can be used).


Plugin Description :
 Check Linux through local commands (the plugin can use SSH).

Output Options :
 Display long output.

 â€”debug Display also debug messages.

 Filter perfdata that match the regexp.

 Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
 values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)

 Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :

 Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
 to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.

 Filter UOM that match the regexp.

 Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).

 Display output in XML Format.

 Display output in JSON Format.

 Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)

 Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).

 Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).

Mode :
 Check system load-average. (need ’/proc/loadavg’ file).

 Threshold warning (1min,5min,15min).

 Threshold critical (1min,5min,15min).

 Load average for the number of CPUs.

 Execute command remotely in ’ssh’.

 Hostname to query (need —remote).

 Specify multiple options like the user (example :
 â€”ssh-option=’-l=centreon-engine’ —ssh-option=’-p=52’).

 Specify ssh command path (default : none)

 Specify ssh command (default : ’ssh’). Useful to use ’plink’.

 Timeout in seconds for the command (Default : 30).

 â€”sudo Use ’sudo’ to execute the command.

 Command to get information (Default : ’tail’). Can be changed if
 you have output in a file.

 Command path (Default : none).

 Command options (Default : ’-n +1 /proc/loadavg /proc/stat


Plugin Description :
 Check Linux through local commands (the plugin can use SSH).

Output Options :
 Display long output.

 â€”debug Display also debug messages.

 Filter perfdata that match the regexp.

 Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
 values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)

 Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :

 Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
 to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.

 Filter UOM that match the regexp.

 Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).

 Display output in XML Format.

 Display output in JSON Format.

 Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)

 Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).

 Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).

Mode :
 Check physical memory (need ’/proc/meminfo’ file).

 Threshold warning in percent.

 Threshold critical in percent.

 Execute command remotely in ’ssh’.

 Hostname to query (need —remote).

 Specify multiple options like the user (example :
 â€”ssh-option=’-l=centreon-engine’ —ssh-option=’-p=52’).

 Specify ssh command path (default : none)

 Specify ssh command (default : ’ssh’). Useful to use ’plink’.

 Timeout in seconds for the command (Default : 30).

 â€”sudo Use ’sudo’ to execute the command.

 Command to get information (Default : ’cat’). Can be changed if
 you have output in a file.

 Command path (Default : none).

 Command options (Default : ’/proc/meminfo 2>&1’).


Plugin Description :
 Check Linux through local commands (the plugin can use SSH).

Output Options :
 Display long output.

 â€”debug Display also debug messages.

 Filter perfdata that match the regexp.

 Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
 values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)

 Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :

 Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
 to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.

 Filter UOM that match the regexp.

 Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).

 Display output in XML Format.

 Display output in JSON Format.

 Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)

 Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).

 Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).

Retention Options :
 Memcached server to use (only one server).

 Redis server to use (only one server).

 Set Redis Options (—redis-attribute="cnx_timeout=5").

 Time to keep data in seconds (Default : 86400).

 Directory for statefile (Default :

 Add a suffix for the statefile name (Default : ’’).

 Concat current working directory with option ’—statefile-dir’.
 Useful on Windows when plugin is compiled.

 Use Perl Module ’Storable’ (instead Data::Dumper) to store

Mode :
 Check packets errors and discards on interfaces.

 Execute command remotely in ’ssh’.

 Hostname to query (need —remote).

 Specify multiple options like the user (example :
 â€”ssh-option=’-l=centreon-engine’ —ssh-option=’-p=52’).

 Specify ssh command path (default : none)

 Specify ssh command (default : ’ssh’). Useful to use ’plink’.

 Timeout in seconds for the command (Default : 30).

 â€”sudo Use ’sudo’ to execute the command.

 Command to get information (Default : ’ifconfig’). Can be changed
 if you have output in a file.

 Command path (Default : ’/sbin’).

 Command options (Default : ’-a 2>&1’).

 Threshold warning in percent of total packets. Can be : in-error,
 out-error, in-discard, out-discard

 Threshold critical in percent of total packets. Can be :
 in-error, out-error, in-discard, out-discard

 â€”name Set the interface name (empty means ’check all interfaces’)

 Allows to use regexp to filter storage mount point (with option

 Allows to use regexp non case-sensitive (with —regexp).

 Filter filesystem type (regexp can be used).

 â€”skip Skip errors on interface status (not up and running).

 Don’t display loopback interfaces.


Plugin Description :
 Check Linux through local commands (the plugin can use SSH).

Output Options :
 Display long output.

 â€”debug Display also debug messages.

 Filter perfdata that match the regexp.

 Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
 values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)

 Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :

 Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
 to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.

 Filter UOM that match the regexp.

 Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).

 Display output in XML Format.

 Display output in JSON Format.

 Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)

 Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).

 Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).

Retention Options :
 Memcached server to use (only one server).

 Redis server to use (only one server).

 Set Redis Options (—redis-attribute="cnx_timeout=5").

 Time to keep data in seconds (Default : 86400).

 Directory for statefile (Default :

 Add a suffix for the statefile name (Default : ’’).

 Concat current working directory with option ’—statefile-dir’.
 Useful on Windows when plugin is compiled.

 Use Perl Module ’Storable’ (instead Data::Dumper) to store

Mode :
 Check paging informations.

 Execute command remotely in ’ssh’.

 Hostname to query (need —remote).

 Specify multiple options like the user (example :
 â€”ssh-option=’-l=centreon-engine’ —ssh-option=’-p=52’).

 Specify ssh command path (default : none)

 Specify ssh command (default : ’ssh’). Useful to use ’plink’.

 Timeout in seconds for the command (Default : 30).

 â€”sudo Use ’sudo’ to execute the command.

 Command to get information (Default : ’cat’). Can be changed if
 you have output in a file.

 Command path (Default : none).

 Command options (Default : ’/proc/vmstat 2>&1’).

 Threshold warning. Can be : ’pgpgin’, ’pgpgout’, ’pswpin’,
 â€™pswpout’, ’pgfault’, ’pgmajfault’.

 Threshold critical. Can be : ’pgpgin’, ’pgpgout’, ’pswpin’,
 â€™pswpout’, ’pgfault’, ’pgmajfault’.


Plugin Description :
 Check Linux through local commands (the plugin can use SSH).

Output Options :
 Display long output.

 â€”debug Display also debug messages.

 Filter perfdata that match the regexp.

 Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
 values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)

 Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :

 Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
 to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.

 Filter UOM that match the regexp.

 Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).

 Display output in XML Format.

 Display output in JSON Format.

 Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)

 Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).

 Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).

Mode :
 Check linux processes. Can filter on commands, arguments and states.

 Execute command remotely in ’ssh’.

 Hostname to query (need —remote).

 Specify multiple options like the user (example :
 â€”ssh-option=’-l=centreon-engine’ —ssh-option=’-p=52’).

 Specify ssh command path (default : none)

 Specify ssh command (default : ’ssh’). Useful to use ’plink’.

 Timeout in seconds for the command (Default : 30).

 â€”sudo Use ’sudo’ to execute the command.

 Command to get information (Default : ’ps’). Can be changed if
 you have output in a file.

 Command path (Default : none).

 Command options (Default : ’-e -o etime,pid,ppid,state,comm,args
 -w 2>&1’).

 Threshold warning (in absolute of processes count. After

 Threshold critical (in absolute of processes count. After

 Threshold warning (in seconds). On each processes filtered.

 Threshold critical (in seconds). On each processes filtered.

 Filter process commands (regexp can be used).

 Filter process arguments (regexp can be used).

 Filter process ppid (regexp can be used).

 Filter process states (regexp can be used). You can use :
 â€™zombie’, ’dead’, ’paging’, ’stopped’, ’InterrupibleSleep’,
 â€™running’, ’UninterrupibleSleep’.


Plugin Description :
 Check Linux through local commands (the plugin can use SSH).

Output Options :
 Display long output.

 â€”debug Display also debug messages.

 Filter perfdata that match the regexp.

 Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
 values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)

 Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :

 Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
 to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.

 Filter UOM that match the regexp.

 Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).

 Display output in XML Format.

 Display output in JSON Format.

 Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)

 Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).

 Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).

Mode :
 Check quota usage on partitions.

 Execute command remotely in ’ssh’.

 Hostname to query (need —remote).

 Specify multiple options like the user (example :
 â€”ssh-option=’-l=centreon-engine’ —ssh-option=’-p=52’).

 Specify ssh command path (default : none)

 Specify ssh command (default : ’ssh’). Useful to use ’plink’.

 Timeout in seconds for the command (Default : 30).

 â€”sudo Use ’sudo’ to execute the command.

 Command to get information (Default : ’repquota’). Can be changed
 if you have output in a file.

 Command path (Default : none).

 Command options (Default : ’-a -i 2>&1’).

 Threshold warning. Can be : ’inode-usage’, ’data-usage’.

 Threshold critical. Can be : ’inode-usage’, ’data-usage’.

 Filter username (regexp can be used).

 Filter filesystem (regexp can be used).


Plugin Description :
 Check Linux through local commands (the plugin can use SSH).

Output Options :
 Display long output.

 â€”debug Display also debug messages.

 Filter perfdata that match the regexp.

 Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
 values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)

 Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :

 Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
 to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.

 Filter UOM that match the regexp.

 Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).

 Display output in XML Format.

 Display output in JSON Format.

 Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)

 Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).

 Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).

Mode :
 Check storage usages.

 Execute command remotely in ’ssh’.

 Hostname to query (need —remote).

 Specify multiple options like the user (example :
 â€”ssh-option=’-l=centreon-engine’ —ssh-option=’-p=52’).

 Specify ssh command path (default : none)

 Specify ssh command (default : ’ssh’). Useful to use ’plink’.

 Timeout in seconds for the command (Default : 30).

 â€”sudo Use ’sudo’ to execute the command.

 Command to get information (Default : ’df’). Can be changed if
 you have output in a file.

 Command path (Default : none).

 Command options (Default : ’-P -k -T 2>&1’).

 Threshold warning.

 Threshold critical.

 â€”units Units of thresholds (Default : ’%’) (’%’, ’B’).

 â€”free Thresholds are on free space left.

 â€”name Set the storage mount point (empty means ’check all storages’)

 Allows to use regexp to filter storage mount point (with option

 Allows to use regexp non case-sensitive (with —regexp).

 Filter filesystem type (regexp can be used).

 Filter filesystem (regexp can be used).

 Some filesystem has space reserved (like ext4 for root). The
 value is in percent of total (Default : none).


Plugin Description :
 Check Linux through local commands (the plugin can use SSH).

Output Options :
 Display long output.

 â€”debug Display also debug messages.

 Filter perfdata that match the regexp.

 Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
 values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)

 Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :

 Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
 to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.

 Filter UOM that match the regexp.

 Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).

 Display output in XML Format.

 Display output in JSON Format.

 Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)

 Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).

 Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).

Mode :
 Check swap memory (need ’/proc/meminfo’ file).

 Threshold warning in percent.

 Threshold critical in percent.

 Threshold if no active swap (default : ’critical’).

 Execute command remotely in ’ssh’.

 Hostname to query (need —remote).

 Specify multiple options like the user (example :
 â€”ssh-option=’-l=centreon-engine’ —ssh-option=’-p=52’).

 Specify ssh command path (default : none)

 Specify ssh command (default : ’ssh’). Useful to use ’plink’.

 Timeout in seconds for the command (Default : 30).

 â€”sudo Use ’sudo’ to execute the command.

 Command to get information (Default : ’cat’). Can be changed if
 you have output in a file.

 Command path (Default : none).

 Command options (Default : ’/proc/meminfo 2>&1’).


Plugin Description :
 Check Linux through local commands (the plugin can use SSH).

Output Options :
 Display long output.

 â€”debug Display also debug messages.

 Filter perfdata that match the regexp.

 Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
 values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)

 Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :

 Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
 to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.

 Filter UOM that match the regexp.

 Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).

 Display output in XML Format.

 Display output in JSON Format.

 Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)

 Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).

 Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).

Mode :
 Check systemd services status.

 Execute command remotely in ’ssh’.

 Hostname to query (need —remote).

 Specify multiple options like the user (example :
 â€”ssh-option=’-l=centreon-engine’ —ssh-option=’-p=52’).

 Specify ssh command path (default : none)

 Specify ssh command (default : ’ssh’). Useful to use ’plink’.

 Timeout in seconds for the command (Default : 30).

 â€”sudo Use ’sudo’ to execute the command.

 Command to get information (Default : ’systemctl’). Can be
 changed if you have output in a file.

 Command path (Default : none).

 Command options (Default : ’-a —no-pager —no-legend’).

 Filter service name (can be a regexp).

 Threshold warning. Can be : ’total-running’, ’total-dead’,
 â€™total-exited’, ’total-failed’.

 Threshold critical. Can be : ’total-running’, ’total-dead’,
 â€™total-exited’, ’total-failed’.

 Set warning threshold for status. Can used special variables
 like : %display, %active, %sub, %load

 Set critical threshold for status (Default : ’%active
 /failed/i’). Can used special variables like : %display,
 %active, %sub, %load


Plugin Description :
 Check Linux through local commands (the plugin can use SSH).

Output Options :
 Display long output.

 â€”debug Display also debug messages.

 Filter perfdata that match the regexp.

 Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
 values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)

 Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :

 Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
 to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.

 Filter UOM that match the regexp.

 Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).

 Display output in XML Format.

 Display output in JSON Format.

 Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)

 Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).

 Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).

Retention Options :
 Memcached server to use (only one server).

 Redis server to use (only one server).

 Set Redis Options (—redis-attribute="cnx_timeout=5").

 Time to keep data in seconds (Default : 86400).

 Directory for statefile (Default :

 Add a suffix for the statefile name (Default : ’’).

 Concat current working directory with option ’—statefile-dir’.
 Useful on Windows when plugin is compiled.

 Use Perl Module ’Storable’ (instead Data::Dumper) to store

Mode :
 Check Traffic

 Execute command remotely in ’ssh’.

 Hostname to query (need —remote).

 Specify multiple options like the user (example :
 â€”ssh-option=’-l=centreon-engine’ —ssh-option=’-p=52’).

 Specify ssh command path (default : none)

 Specify ssh command (default : ’ssh’). Useful to use ’plink’.

 Timeout in seconds for the command (Default : 30).

 â€”sudo Use ’sudo’ to execute the command.

 Command to get information (Default : ’ifconfig’). Can be changed
 if you have output in a file.

 Command path (Default : ’/sbin’).

 Command options (Default : ’-a 2>&1’).

 Threshold warning in percent for ’in’ traffic.

 Threshold critical in percent for ’in’ traffic.

 Threshold warning in percent for ’out’ traffic.

 Threshold critical in percent for ’out’ traffic.

 â€”units Units of thresholds (Default : ’B’) (’%’, ’B’). Percent can be
 used only if —speed is set.

 â€”name Set the interface name (empty means ’check all interfaces’)

 Allows to use regexp to filter intefaces (with option —name).

 Allows to use regexp non case-sensitive (with —regexp).

 Filter interfaces type (regexp can be used).

 â€”skip Skip errors on interface status (not up and running).

 â€”speed Set interface speed (in Mb).

 Don’t display loopback interfaces.


Plugin Description :
 Check Linux through local commands (the plugin can use SSH).

Output Options :
 Display long output.

 â€”debug Display also debug messages.

 Filter perfdata that match the regexp.

 Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
 values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)

 Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :

 Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
 to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.

 Filter UOM that match the regexp.

 Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).

 Display output in XML Format.

 Display output in JSON Format.

 Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)

 Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).

 Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).

Mode :
 Check system uptime. (need ’/proc/uptime’ file).

 Threshold warning in seconds.

 Threshold critical in seconds.

 Display uptime in seconds.

 Execute command remotely in ’ssh’.

 Hostname to query (need —remote).

 Specify multiple options like the user (example :
 â€”ssh-option=’-l=centreon-engine’ —ssh-option=’-p=52’).

 Specify ssh command path (default : none)

 Specify ssh command (default : ’ssh’). Useful to use ’plink’.

 Timeout in seconds for the command (Default : 30).

 â€”sudo Use ’sudo’ to execute the command.

 Command to get information (Default : ’cat’). Can be changed if
 you have output in a file.

 Command path (Default : none).

 Command options (Default : ’/proc/uptime 2>&1’).


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